Sunday, December 15, 2013

Wishing Us Well

There's been a question on my mind for a while now, and it has a lot to do with how I've been feeling... Because I really think I know, but I'm young and immature, I've had a question in my mind for a while now.

I have broken heart - that used to be frozen, I wouldn't let anything make its way inside it. I was tired of feeling, as my heart - kept beating, in spite of everything that tried to break it further.

Then there was the day - when I first saw you dancing, I remember: I couldn't take my eyes off of you. Because I saw it in your eyes, the joy that you devised, - I needed you to teach me how to feel that too. 

It took me half a year to get you to notice me, and another half - till you would spend time with me, yet we became to be great friends, best, and then lovers since, and it's not anything that I've ever felt before.

There's been a question on my mind for a while now, and it has a lot to do with how I've been feeling... With you there's more than just a kiss, I can't explain it -, You've given me everything that I've ever needed.

So is this here love? - Or another teenage crush? I've had this question on my mind for a while now, but only time will tell, I can only hope it well, I've been looking for this answer for a while now.

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